3 min read

Since 2005, LSA has proudly been providing scholarship funds to the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (formerly the Monterey Institute of International Studies, MIIS). The goal of MIIS is to prepare students from all over the world to make a meaningful impact in a rapidly changing global community. LSA is honored to have formed such a strong, lasting partnership with this esteemed institution. In fact, many of LSA’s talented linguist partners (and some employees) are MIIS graduates.

As the world becomes more and more globalized, the need for professional language services providers (like LSA) and international professional education institutions (like MIIS) will continue to rise. As LSA’s Founder, Chairman and CEO, Laura K.T. Schriver, has always said, “better understanding IS good business.” LSA looks forward to continue growing its relationship with the entire MIIS community.

Interested in learning more about MIIS? Check out the below fast facts!

  • The MIIS student body represents 43 countries and 40 native languages
  • 28% of MIIS students come from outside of the U.S.
  • $55,186 is the total yearly expense for the average MIIS student
  • 90% of MIIS students receive some sort of merit scholarship
  • Gifts to MIIS have more than doubled in the last fiscal year, topping $6.5 million

Are you a MIIS graduate? What are some of the fun facts you’d add to this list? Please post your comments below!

To learn more about how LSA can help you meet your interpretation and translation needs, please contact us.